McNair Presentations

The posters and the oral presentations for the 2019-20 McNair Scholars are available on Canvas

Title on a gold paint-textured background: 2019-20 McNair Scholars Oral and Poster Presentations

We are excited to announce that the posters and the oral presentations for the 2019-20 McNair Scholars are available on Canvas! Although the 31st Annual McNair Conference was canceled, the research done by the scholars over the past year is being presented via this online forum.

We invite you to visit the site and “Enroll” in the Canvas course, McNair Scholars Presentations. Clicking on the link is an invitation that gets you access to view the posters and the oral presentations.

We have utilized VoiceThread, an application integrated with Canvas, as the technical medium for the scholars’ oral presentations. You are also encouraged to check out our scholars’ biographies and hear what’s next for them as they continue their academic journeys. There is also a slideshow with highlights from the year’s events.

We are proud of our scholars’ resilience, as they rose to challenge of completing projects despite disruptions created by COVID-19. We are proud of their accomplishments, as many of them will be starting graduate programs in the fall at Oxford University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Indiana University and the University of Missouri, to name a few.

Thanks for your support of the McNair Scholars Program. We wish you safety and wellness.

Dr. Natalie Downer, Associate Director
Jeremy Bloss, Program Coordinator
James Hamilton, Program Assistant
Brittany Fatoma, Graduate Assistant