3rd Annual SOSI Center Virtual Summer Institute

Translating Critical, Strengths-Based Conceptual Frameworks to STEM Programming & Design: Promising Practices in building effective broadening participation projects

The Louis Stokes Regional Center of Excellence for the Study of STEM Interventions (SOSI Center) invites you to register for the free 3rd Annual SOSI Center Summer Institute to be held virtually. The institute’s theme is Translating Critical, Strengths-Based Conceptual Frameworks to STEM Programming & Design: Promising Practices in building effective broadening participation projects. The 2023 SOSI Center Summer Institute offers participants:

  • Promising STEM broadening participation practices based on critical and asset-based theoretical frameworks to disseminate research outcomes and program impact.
  • Comprehensive workshops on utilizing asset-based conceptual frameworks, Community Cultural Wealth, Phenomenological Variant Ecological Systems Theory Informed Strategies, and Social Cognitive Career Theory to create STEM programming activities and teaching mechanisms in critical and strengths-based ways.
  • Access to resources and tools that support program and research design and implementation from a critical, strengths-based approach, including Understanding Intervention (UI) Journal, UI Index, and UI Impact.

SOSI Center is an NSF-funded initiative, an inter-institutional collaboration between the University of Missouri, Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science (UI), and the University of Michigan. SOSI focuses on cultivating the cultural awareness and scholarly productivity of future and existing STEM training program leaders by providing venues for training and development related to critical, strengths-based theories and promising practices.

Please register here.

Please contact Michael Garcia (garciaml@missouri.edu), SOSI Center Program Director, if you have any questions.